a waterfall with water flowing down multiple rock tiers into a shallow pool below

Outcomes Expected

Tier 2 of the CASCADeS framework.

The next meetings.

When you have completed building your collective understanding of your community context, your Collaborative Community Working Group will be ready to move to explore the next tier. This may be your second or third meeting. Tier 2 focuses on the outcomes you and your group would expect to see following the implementation of a service model, adapted to be fit for your local context. Consider: what benefits are we seeking to achieve; what difference are we hoping to make; are these outcomes meaningful to families, or services or both? What data will we need as a baseline, so we can compare data sets after changes have been implemented to measure change?

The focus questions in the CASCADeS Resources Toolkit are provided as a guide to discussion amongst your group members. The answers to these questions will be informed by your collective understanding of your local community context, gained through the insights and knowledge shared in Tier 1 – Context. The questions are based on research which has identified potential expected outcomes relevant to be considered when implementing or adapting a specialist CFH service model for a particular contextual setting/community.

After your group have agreed on the key expected outcomes of the adaptation and implementation of a specialist CFH service model in your community, it is suggested that you take a few moments to reframe these into Your Expected Outcomes statements. These can then be referred back to as you move into Tier 3 – Model, to undertake a review of the current or proposed service model for implementation in your local area.

Focus forward.

Keeping in mind what you are hoping the achieve – the difference you are hoping to make in the lives of children, families, local clinicians and services, and your community, will help you to stay focused. You may decide that while there are a number of expected outcomes you hope to influence; it may become apparent that certain outcomes are a high priority. Prioritising the outcomes may be helpful when you come to decisions about allocating resources including the time required (and available) to implement and evaluate your agreed adaptations and strategies.

Let's keep going.

The focus questions for completing this tier can be found in the Resource Toolkit. When you’re ready, you can move forward with Tier 3 of the CASCADeS framework — Model.