a waterfall with water flowing down multiple rock tiers into a shallow pool below

Evaluation & Reflection

Tier 4 of the CASCADeS framework.

Let’s pause and reflect.

As you move into Tier 4: Evaluation and Reflection, you will be able to draw on the information gathered through the sharing of insights, knowledge and data as you moved through the previous three tiers.

Now is the opportunity to take a breath, just as the momentum of the water falling down the tiers of the cascade of a waterfall slows when it reaches the pool at the bottom, you will be able to use this time to reflect on the information you’ve gathered, the connections you have made, and collaboratively develop a plan to evaluate the implementation of the service model or any adaptations you have decided are needed to meet the needs of families in your community.

This is an integral step in the process, providing a forum to meet and reflect on the information you have collected through the stages of Tiers 1-3 and plan your next steps including your evaluation strategy. Developing an evaluation strategy goes hand in hand with deciding on the actions to be taken and who will take the lead in coordination aspects of implementation.

The resources are here.

The CASCADeS Resource Toolkit includes discussion starters, presented in two parts. In Part A: Establishing our Evaluation Strategy and Action Plan, the discussion items are based on the research which informed the CASCADeS Framework, having been identified as important to consider when evaluating outcomes of specialist CFH service models in different community settings.

Before moving into putting the plan for your next steps into action, you now have an invaluable opportunity to take a few moments to reflect on your collective experience of working together. In Part B, Reflections of our Working Together, you will find discussion starter questions which may be helpful to facilitate reflection on the process, learnings and perhaps any unexpected benefits of coming together as a group.

It takes a team.

It is important to acknowledge the contributions of all members of your CASCADeS Working Group, the time and insights they have so generously shared throughout your work together. If you are together in person, you may like to mark this milestone by sharing a meal or afternoon tea together. Or if meeting virtually over video-conference, consider a virtual afternoon tea or another way to show your appreciation for one another and the relationships you have formed.

And then, after this period of reflection, you will be ready to move forward with renewed energy and commitment as you implement and evaluate the strategies you’ve identified, while always keeping the children of your community central – to support families so children can thrive and ultimately reach their own aspirations and goals.